Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Facebook killed the blog, y'all

Right? At least the family blog? You know the one I mean, the blog recapping family trips, birthdays, and other significant events in the life of a family. And pictures. Lots of pictures. A great idea, I admit. Other family members and friends could subscribe to your blog and stay up to date on your family.

And, yes, I think Facebook put a hurting on that. Much easier to reach your audience, know you are being followed, post pictures, tell stories, with Facebook.

But that isn't what happened to me (I don't think). I never used my blog or my facebook to post family pictures (at least not a lot of them) or to write (which is what I use my blog for). I really think I just got lazy. But I also think I stopped truly following the theme or mantra or whatever-you-want-to-call-it of my blog: I write stuff and you decide whether you want to read it or not.

Because you can tell when people are reading your blog and when they aren't. And not just using analytics. The comments decrease, the references to it conversation with others decrease, you get the idea. And I am sure that affected me. You want to think (I do, anyway) someone is reading what you write, thinks the story is good, thinks you are clever, thinks you are funny.

Well I still want those things, but I also need to write. That much occurs to me. There is stuff inside me. Stuff that needs out. Stories to tell. Names to change. So I will write some more. And you will decide whether you want to read it or not.


Anonymous said...

Write, Ray. I will read.

Anonymous said...

I will read.

Carol's Corner said...

A little late to the party, but I will read.