Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Just Getting Started

The baseball season only started officially on Sunday. And it's a long season. Very long. Only the third day today. But the Orioles won the first two games. In Tampa. Or wherever it is the Rays play. So some good things have happened. And at this pace, they will be 162-0. A little unlikely, I am told. That's fine. I'm not hoping for a perfect season, anyway. Just a good one. More wins than losses. Hopefully a lot more. But if you know me, you know I will be living and dying by what happens with the Orioles. Doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is what it is. IIWII. That's it is what it is. I might have made that up. Or maybe someone else did. Who knows.

For now, I am trying to see the upside:
Tillman looked good. Chen was decent but not great. Pearce has hit a couple bombs. De Aza looks good at leadoff. And the Yankees suck. Okay, I haven't paid any attention to them, but they still suck. Hardy will be back soon. And Davis tried to bunt. All good things as I see them.

And I am trying not to take these things for granted.

1 comment:

michelangelo said...

will this be the year you come out for a game? and to see your sisters?